Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2022, 12(31): 71-79
DOI: 10.37100/2616-7689.2022.12(31).8
UDС 37.001.895(477)
Olena Garashchuk
Doctor of Economic Sciences,
State service of education quality of Ukraine, Kyiv,

Iryna Kinash
Doctor of Economic Sciences,
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Vira Kutsenko
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor,
Principal Researcher of the Department of Natural-Technogenic and
Environmental Safety of the Public Institution “Institute of Environmental Economics and
Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”

Abstract: Issues related to the study of the theoretical provisions and conceptual foundations of the formation of the education development paradigm in accordance with modern realities are considered – an important factor in achieving social security in the conditions of the transformational processes taking place in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the deep socio-economic transformations of society, the development of the economy in market conditions, changes in the labour market, the growth of the educational services sector – all this requires qualitative changes in the theoretical, methodological and methodological approaches to ensuring the safety situation in the country. Attention is focused on the need to achieve social safety, taking into account the structure of employment, unemployment, in particular, among specialists with higher education, cooperation between teachers, local authorities, businessmen, social or public sector. It is noted that social safety should contribute to the achievement of appropriate conditions for the development of the physical, intellectual, spiritual potential of citizens, the improvement of their living and working conditions. Social safety, in turn, needs close relationships between its components, the development and implementation of a system of indicators and criteria for its results, and the formation of a new model for the development of education. It is noted that education plays an important role in achieving sustainable socio-economic development and the safety situation. It is emphasized that Ukraine is characterized by high rates of involvement of the population in educational activities. The issues of strengthening the imbalance between the demand and supply of labour in the labour market are considered, an important factor in the successful solution of which is the formation of a paradigm of educational development by expanding the availability of educational services, the rapid response of the education system to interdependent problems of the labour market and educational services. The problems of socio-economic, innovative-technological, environmental and public education of pupils and students in the context of transformational transformations, as well as the orientation of the educational process towards the formation of the values of freedom and justice in young people and the younger generation, which are the basis of their life position, the development of their own life values, are studied. Theoretical and methodological approaches to further improvement of the financial support for the development of education, an important factor in social safety, are proposed.
Key words: educational sphere, social safety, informatization of educational activities, financial support, grants.
Language version: Ukrainian

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Article publication date: 2022
Date of online version: 2022